Please enter the details of your request. If you have any supporting material to add to your request (e.g.: screenshots), please add the file in the “Attachments” field below.
Choose the category of your request. It will help us answer you.
Instructions: you can change your postal address directly in the Ticket Portal. Go to the profile/application details and update the details under “Your address”.
For us to change your account email address, please provide a copy of your passport/ID by clicking on “Add file” here below. We recommend sending the requested document in a secure way, as described here:
For us to change the personal data in your account, please provide a copy of your passport/ID by clicking on “Add file” here below. We recommend sending the requested document in a secure way, as described here: Note: if you are expecting mobile tickets, you will be able to make the changes directly in the UEFA Mobile Tickets app when you receive the tickets.